Rooma Faheem
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Pakistan is a developing country and we have limited resources so we have to utilize them effectively. But the problem is that most of the people either in society or in companies throw out the garbage from their homes and its polluted the whole society and it becomes the cause of harmful diseases.

As you can see in the above picture that the street is replenished with garbage and there is a narrow path for the transport to pass from this road. The KMC staff are working in many areas but they only take the bins from the houses and throw all the garbage on the road. They are polluting our land because they burn this garbage and it also affects our atmosphere and also damages the ozone layer.

As we have seen that during the third wave of covid-19 the corona patients are increasing in the low middle-class areas because these areas are polluted with garbage and they have less awareness about the precautions which they have to take. We are responsible to take action against the KMC mafia who are not doing their work properly.

The use of polythene bags is the major cause of pollution because they are very harmful to our health and we used these plastics bags for our foods as well. so we have to get rid of these plastics bags. They easily recycle which creates germs and toxic acid in them.

The solution to all this pollution is that we have to avoid these polythene bags. we should have to use paper bags instead of plastic bags because they can easily dispose of.

The next step is that we have to make a small community which takes the responsibility of clean the roads and streets. We are not looking at the bigger picture first we start to become change influencers in our society then we expand these on the bigger area. We hire the workers who take the bins from every home and then split them in the deep hole in the ground which is away from society so that it does not affect our land as well as air.

We also take the responsibility to clean the main hole so that the sewerage line is not overload and the streets will be cleaned because sewerage water makes dangui.


  1. We analyze these that the streets are full of garbage when I come back home from university
  2. I take reviews from the people who are affected by the pollution.
  3. Hire 5 workers who cleaned the area
  4. Fixed the bins on the corner of the roads so that people the rapers into the bins

I saw that most of the multinational firms are operating their production plants in Pakistan and they are also polluting the environment by drain the chemicals in korangi site area. These chemicals are very harmful and barren the land, so the companies also have a corporate social responsibility that they should clean the environment and grow as many trees as possible

