Eat That Frog With The Pomodoro

Rooma Faheem
4 min readApr 16, 2021


Pomodoro Technique:

Pomodoro is a Italian word for ‘Tomato’. This technique is introduced by Mark Cirillo, when we used a tomato timer of 25 minutes and divide our task in to short interval. These intervals became known as Pomodoro.


Pomodoro is a cute tomato shaped kitchen timer that is used for time management and increase productivity.

Pomodoro Technique

Steps of this technique:

  1. Decide on the task to be done
  2. Set the Pomodoro timer (alarm) to 25 minutes
  3. Work on the task until the timer rings. If a distraction pops into your head, write it down, but immediately get back on to the task
  4. After the timer tings, put a tick on a piece of paper
  5. Take a short 3–4 minutes break
  6. Repeat steps 1–4
  7. After you have 4 ticks on your paper, you can take a longer break (15–20 minutes) and continue working on your task by going to step 1 until you complete your task

Eat that frog:

Eat that frog means how to stop procrastination by doing the work with time management and it will increase productivity.

There is another concept which Cirillo was focused on that “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day”


“Procrastination is the act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute”

If we will not productive with our time then at the end our brain is behave like a monster and distraction pops into our heads. It may be possible that we submit our task after the deadline and there is no productivity and time management in our work.

Identify Task:

I decided to read the case study of growth mindset of Doctor Shetty which is of 20 pages. This is the assignment which is assigned by my teacher to read this case study but this is too long so, I decided to read this case through Pomodoro technique and make it more interesting.

I set the timer of 25 minutes to read it thoroughly as much as possible and during reading I mark the facts and figures as a bullet point so that it will take less time to summarize the case. After the timer rings I take 5 minutes break during the break I dotted it down the distractions occured during the reading. After break set the another timer and repeat the above steps. I repeated this step 4 times and read the whole case study with in a less time.

During this whole activity I put my mobile phone on silent and sit on the distraction free environment to get maximum output and increase productivity with in a limited time.


This Pomodoro technique helps me a lot because it saves my time and energy. When I shared this interesting activity with my uni friends then they said The case study is too long and it will take their 3 hours to read the whole case and I read it with in 1 hour.

In start of this activity its very difficult to constantly focused on the work till 25 minutes, but in the second 25 minutes I was fully attentive and more focused on the work. I completed the case in a less time. This technique increased my Time management skills, consistency in work and productivity.

“Practice makes a man perfect”

With Pomodoro technique I improve time management, consistency and productivity. I will do my future task in less time with this technique.

Pomodoro Technique Teaches:

  1. Break down your work in short intervals
  2. Do the biggest task first
  3. Relax your mind by taking break during work
  4. Avoid those things which make distraction is your work eg. mobile phone
  5. Improve consistency in work
  6. Manage time effectively
  7. Synergy in our work

